The Little Things (Tavor)

Couple quick images for those curious what is included with the Tavor…

Tool Kit contents include a sight wrench, chamber brush and a set of extra heavy duty QD swivels in addition to the usual items.  The giant chimney sweep brush is for cleaning the inside of the receiver and bolt rails, apparently.

Yes the front sight post has a tritium element inset into it.  It seems to be about as bright as Meprolight night sights (not as bright as Trijicon) which makes sense given the rifle’s lineage.

The rifle ships with the bolt group and other metal parts lightly coated with Weapon Shield gun oil.  Yes, I can tell just by the smell.  This is a nice touch because my usual advice to customers is to clean their gun immediately before taking it to the range.  Most manufacturers use thick shipping grease or other protective products that are not intended to be gun oil/grease and of course fail miserably at it.  Seems like the Tavor is range ready out of the box!